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This morning before it got too hot we went see how the stairway project is coming along and take some pictures. Definitely, a zipline would get us to the bottom way quicker than going down and then up the stairs. But getting back up without the stairs would be impossible. Though we could cross the creek and climb the lower bank on the other side, then walk a mile up the road to our house.

Also there is a video I uploaded to Youtube. I decided to share this as just a link as the last movie I uploaded was upside down for some people and took forever to load.

The video shows a possible pool when I zoomed in.

Below the bright blue water, and then coming in there is a darker green pool looking spot on the creek where the water isn't running quite so fast. Until we get much closer I have no idea what this actually looks like.

Below the bright blue water, and then coming in there is a darker green-gray pool looking spot on the creek where the water isn’t running quite so fast. Until we get much closer I have no idea what this actually looks like.

Can’t wait to get down there and start exploring this two acres or so of our property, to which we have no access until the stairs are completed.

From the second landing, looking up, it is a long way, two long flights of stairs so far.

From the second landing, looking up, it is a long way, two long flights of stairs so far.

The first set of stairs has a handrail which makes it much easier to go up and down. And way less scary.

This is looking down into the woods. My phone takes better pictures than the camera. Who knew?

This is looking down into the woods. My phone takes better pictures than the camera. Who knew?

The woods are way darker than closer to the top of the stairs, but they are definitely not this dark. It is such a cool woods – cedars and firs and maples with Oregon Grape as the ground cover, and some limited amount of ferns.

Same spot, picture taken with the cell phone. I may just ditch the camera!

Same spot, picture taken with the cell phone. I may just ditch the camera!

The ground is getting much steeper and by keeping the same angle of stairs the higher off the ground the stairs become. So this is an engineering issue the guys making these stairs have to solve as they go down.

The ground is getting much steeper and by keeping the same angle of stairs the higher off the ground the stairs become. So this is an engineering issue the guys making these stairs have to solve as they go down.

The hillside does taper off down a ways and this in the air issue will go away but it could get interesting before they get to that part.

There will be another set of stairs which will double this run from twelve steps to twenty-four, and then they will build a new landing which will go off to the left. The next set of stairs after that will go between two large trees, a cedar and a fir. They will have to cut some limbs or we will have to duck when going down that set of stairs.

This view sideways and looking up towards where our house sits in relation to the creek drainage really illustrates just how steep this creek sits below our house. And this is only half-way down the hillside.

This view sideways and looking up towards where our house sits in relation to the creek drainage really illustrates just how steep this creek sits below our house. And this is only half-way down the hillside.

The deer and bears and turkeys and small critters have no difficulties going up and down this hillside, but there’s no way we could manage it without risking life and limb.

So it is exciting, watching this project develop.

In the meantime I have started on my spinning project.

In the meantime I have started on my spinning project.

This is an ultra thin yarn which is the 50/50 cashmere/silk fiber. I’m out of practice so this is going slowly. I’m hoping I’m done spinning the 2500 yards I need about the time the stairs are completed.

Sitting next to the creek will be a very neat place to knit.

And we will definitely get our aerobic exercise going up the stairs.

3 Responses to “A zipline would definitely be quicker.”

  1. Teri says:

    Yikes!!! Makes my knees hurt just looking at the stairs that you have built so far! You will build up those quads so much that your knee won’t ever hurt again! I’d probably have to partake in a zipline if I were to see your lower creek bed.
    Your property is so beautiful, I see why you want to have access to all of it. What a great purchase you made. Far exceeds your PA house/land!
    I love having insight into your adventures as you two are so incredibly creative! Bright minds & busy hands! The spinning project is awesome! Making cashmere/silk of your own, I can’t wait to see what you make with it!
    Hopeful that you were ok during the sweltering heat. It was 97 here in PA with higher humidity and less wind, so it was a good thing to miss. Now back to lovely June weather in the 60-70 range. Lots of marine fog every day with a little smoke from Vancouver Island fires mixed in. Mostly the same with me, just seeing a few folks weekly at home and taking it easy! Thank you for keeping me apprised of your projects on the estate! Teri

  2. dan says:

    What a nice place! Did you finish the stairs project?

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