Feed on

Every place we move we have bears in the yard.   Today we had two of them, but it took a few minutes to figure it out.  A mom and last years’ baby were smelling the bird seeds in our fenced yard.

The adult female, very fat. She should be sleeping!

The adult female, very fat. She should be sleeping!

Circling the house, trying to decide how scary it is.

Circling the house, trying to decide how scary it is.

First, Oro told us about a bear, and that scared the first one off into the bushes.  Then I saw the bear come up the hill, next to the storage shed outside the fence.  Sniffing.  Rats!!  The bird feeders have been spotted.  The bear was nervous and headed away from the yard, towards the neighbors.  Well that was exciting.  First bear since we’ve moved here, and somewhat unusual.  People do see bears around here, but very rarely.

Then Terry hurt our ears.  She has a different view point looking north and out the windows on the front of the house.  That’s where we saw the adult, way across the lawn and down from the house.  We went out on the deck and talked to her and she disappeared in the brush, only to reappear a minute later by the storage shed again.  Then I saw another bear on the other side of the fence by the garage.  Two!!  Obviously a mom and her cub.

Dang it.  Can’t get away from these guys.  And they smell the seeds 🙁  I guess we’re probably going to find out how tough this fence is tonight.

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