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Falling Leaves

A couple of weeks ago, we finally got the back yard ready for fall.  The landscaper who built the patio and fire pit came back and they completed the gazebo project we’d started a couple of weeks earlier.  Once I fell off the ladder, that put an end to our efforts to put it up ourselves.

We managed to connect two upright posts together with a cross piece, but trying to get all four connected was impossible with just two people.  After I fell off a ladder, that was the end of our attempts.

We managed to connect two upright posts together with a cross piece, but trying to get all four connected was impossible with just two people. After I fell off a ladder, that was the end of our attempts.

The instructions said, “Requires four adults.”  Oh well, they were right!

All completed and bolted down to the footers in the patio with concrete bolts, this should stand up to fairly high winds.

All completed and bolted down to the footers in the patio with concrete bolts, this should stand up to fairly high winds.

We haven’t built a fire yet but it’s on our list of things to do.  I bought marshmallows!

This is the path from the back deck to the gazebo.

This is the path from the back deck to the gazebo.

Looking back at the deck from under the gazebo.

Looking back at the deck from under the gazebo.

This is where the garden will go.  Terraces for the raised beds, then an area for fruit bushes and vines, and then six fruit trees will go farthest down and next to the fence.

This is where the garden will go. Terraces for the raised beds, then an area for fruit bushes and vines, and then six fruit trees will go farthest down and next to the fence.

Next to the orchard is another gate which takes you to the front deck.

Looking back up the garden showing both paths that make the circle for walking.  The plan is to fill the grounds inside the path with flowers.

Looking back up the garden showing both paths that make the circle for walking. The plan is to fill the grounds inside the path with flowers.

The Big Leaf Maple trees have lost their leaves.

The leaves were falling a lot, this particular day, and some were getting hung up in the fence.

The leaves were falling a lot, this particular day, and some were getting hung up in the fence.  I actually took this picture before the gazebo was built.  Under the tarps were all the pieces still be to assembled.

Every time the wind blew, there would be this rustling sound and a bunch of leaves would swirl into the air.  It was neat!

Last week there was a sunrise.  Since we’re so surrounded by trees it’s somewhat unusual for us to see a sunrise.  It has to be pretty bright for us to notice.  The sun wasn’t up, and it was kind of a misty/foggy morning and the water droplets in the air were reflecting the sunrise in the sky.

And it turned the whole world this amazing rose color.

And it turned the whole world this amazing rose color.

I didn’t have time to set up a tri-pod so my picture is a bit fuzzy.  I just barely had enough time to run and grab the camera.  This color only lasted a couple of minutes, and I was not the least bit sure I’d be able to capture the colors, but I lucked out.

To celebrate fall I made a batch of sweet rolls.

To celebrate fall I made a batch of sweet rolls.


One Response to “Falling Leaves”

  1. Shelagh Paulsson says:

    What a beautiful home, getting more and more so all the time. Takes four to assemble … fell off the ladder … oh my 🙂 Hope you have many happy years there.

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