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End of 2017

Snowing today, and clear skies are promised for this afternoon.  That will be nice.  We’ll need to clear the solar panels and give them a chance to do some work.  Also the satellite dishes need to be brushed off.

Standing on the porch by the sunroom and looking down the hill.

Standing on the porch by the sunroom and looking down the hill.

I was trying to catch the snowflakes on the camera but they were a bit too small and falling too fast and thick.  That’s why it looks like it’s foggy – it’s just lots and lots of snowflakes.

We might go snowshoeing today, and walk in the woods.

We might go snowshoeing today, and walk in the woods.

Walking under conifer trees heavily laden with snow can be invigorating when the snow cascades down on top of your head.

Walking under conifer trees heavily laden with snow can be invigorating when the snow cascades down on top of your head.

And of course I never do anything to cause that to happen, like grabbing a branch when Dan is underneath it, and give it a little shake.

If it's clear skies, like they are predicting, I'll take the camera with us.

Looks like we’re going to have clear skies, like they are predicting, I’ll take the camera with us for more pictures later today.

Happy New Year!

3 Responses to “End of 2017”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Hi Beautiful pictures. We still have not had much snow at all. 3 inches every 2 times. But real cold. Hope you and Dan have a HAPPY NEW YEAR and that 2018 is a good year. Love me

  2. Jacki says:

    And of course I never do anything to cause that to happen, like grabbing a branch when Dan is underneath it, and give it a little shake.

    Be careful KO, Dan carries the gun.

  3. Laura Kidd says:

    Hi Been a long time since I have been on your blog as you can see. Been busy. Had a lot of company this January.
    Cheryl and her son Scott, wife Jode and my 12th grandchild daughter were here from the 6th of January until the 11th and Mikie came down on the 9th and went back home on the 16th all just for a vacation to Colorado. Enjoyed every minute. Wish all of us lived closer including you.

    I don’t know if you remember my sister Nonnie She passed away on the 18th. She was 96 and was in a nursing home about 10 yeas in Maryland. She lived a good life. We all knew she didn’t have much longer and I am glad its all over for her. She had been in poor health all last year. The service is today but neither Uncle Poogie or I could make the trip there. So its a very sad day for us today.

    We still haven’t had any good snow here in Denver area. Supppose to get some tomorrow. Your pictures are so pretty. Hope you got a good walk in. I hope the weather person is correct. We really need the moisture.

    Take care. Hope you both are fine. Till later. Love me Happy New Year

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