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New heat source.

Today a pellet stove we had ordered last week showed up, and got installed.

We've used firewood for the vast majority of the last 42 years.  So it's time for something completely different.

We’ve used firewood for the vast majority of the last 42 years. So it’s time for something completely different.  The color of the stove is a deep reddish brown.

We still buy some firewood assuming we can find anybody to deliver it (that’s getting harder every year), as we have a cook stove in the kitchen and definitely still want to use that.

We’ll buy pellets for the entire winter, and the guys bringing it on a big truck will have a forklift to put the pallets wherever we designate them.  No more splitting and stacking many cords of firewood – yay!

The hearth has to be extended as this new stove is a lot deeper than the old wood stove.  One step at a time 🙂  Our neighbor who built the tile shower is a master stone worker and he can handle this project.

We’ll now have three sources of heat.  Firewood, propane, and pellets.  A good plan for long term future heating.

One Response to “New heat source.”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Good Morning Just got on to see if you have posted anything. What a beautiful fireplace and a great stove. I imagine that the fireplace was there when you bought the house. Thats good that you don’t have to chop wood so much anymore. I have a fireplace but don’t use it since Dad has been gone. When I think about starting a fire its do late and I don’t want to leave it burning. Can’t enjoy it when I am in bed. Know you will be nice and warm. till later love me

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