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Sunsets are fleeting.

Last night we had one of those really pretty sunsets, and I was lucky enough to take a few pictures before it disappeared.

The colors were so intense, and at the horizon with the sun just having set, it was almost on fire.

The colors were so intense, and at the horizon with the sun just having set, it was almost on fire.

Then I noticed the snow was reflecting some of the color in the sky.

Then I noticed the snow was reflecting some of the color in the sky.

Then it was even a darker blue sky and the snow was a warmer rose and blue.  One of my favorite color combinations!

Then it was even a darker blue sky and the snow was a warmer rose and blue. One of my favorite color combinations!

And then poof, it was over.

I am almost ready to start on the 7th ball of yarn, but today I did no knitting.  So it will remain almost 🙂

One Response to “Sunsets are fleeting.”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Hi Good morning. God really is a good painter, isn’t he. I love sunsets and being up high and in the mountains like you are they are even prettier. Thanks for sharing. No knitting. You will never get finished that way. Going to go get a perm and haircut. You were so lucky to get Dad curly hair. Till later love me

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