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This is Togo before he pulled himself together. Sort of resembles me before I've had some caffeine.

This is Togo before he pulled himself together. Sort of resembles me before I’ve had some caffeine.

Post caffeine, and making the acquaintance of Mishkin. Togo always needs to keep in mind their relative size difference and always remember that the cat is much bigger than he is.

Post caffeine, and making the acquaintance of Mishkin. Togo always needs to keep in mind their relative size difference and always remember that the cat is really that much bigger than he is.

I asked Togo if he wanted to use the computer, and he said he was an abacus kind of dog.

I asked Togo if he wanted to use the computer, and he said he was an abacus kind of dog.

Togo plays chess, too. What intellect! Unfortunately, the pieces were a bit too heavy for him, and after just a few opening moves he was done for the day.

Togo plays chess, too. What intellect! Unfortunately, the pieces were a bit too heavy for him, and after just a few opening moves he was done for the day.

Togo asked Mish if he could share the chair for some quality nap time after all the chess and mathematics.

Togo asked Mish if he could share the chair for some quality nap time after all that chess and mathematics.

Mish giving Togo the silent treatment.

Mish giving Togo the silent treatment.

So, Togo investigated the orange growing in the sunroom. He was impressed by the size and thinks it should be ready to eat by Christmas! These fruits take a long time to ripen.

So, Togo investigated the orange growing in the sun room. He was impressed by the size and color of the largest orange, and thinks it should be ready to eat by Christmas! Wow, he’s a horticulturist, too.

Terry and Togo having a tête-à-tête in the kitchen. I'm not sure what they were discussing but it looked like they were in total agreement.

Terry and Togo having a tête-à-tête in the kitchen. I’m not sure what they were discussing but it looked like they were in total agreement.

Santa Mice and Togo discussing their travel plans for the holiday season. The mice plan on working; Togo plans on some playing in the snow (if available), playing with toys, eating, and sleeping. He has a full schedule, no time available for work!

Santa Mice and Togo discussing their travel plans for the holiday season. The mice plan on working; Togo plans on some playing in the snow (if available), playing with toys, eating, and sleeping. He has a full schedule, no time available for work!

Togo hitting the road, heading home and hoping to get past the mountains before the snow falls. Have a safe trip!

Togo hitting the road, heading home and hoping to get past the mountains before the snow falls. Have a safe trip!

It started snowing this morning, and we have many days in a row with one to three inches accumulation forecast – promises, promises….


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