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Fixed wild blueberry pancakes on the range today, using the same cast iron griddle that we use on the wood cook stove, and it works every bit as well.  Just what we had been hoping for with this new range! This is the one model that Consumer Reports said had no negatives in their evaluation, and so far it is living up to that recommendation.

The first time I ever made wild blueberry pancakes was on the shores of Wrong Lake, in 1977. Wow, that's almost 40 years ago!

The first time I ever made wild blueberry pancakes was on the shores of Wrong Lake, in 1977. Wow, that’s almost 40 years ago!

Finished my new necklace and I have enough beads left over to make a bracelet, so I’ll finish that today.  It’s long enough I didn’t even need the clasp as it fits over my head easily, but using the clasp made construction easier.

The fun thing about making my own necklace is that whenever I get tired of it, I can take it apart and do something different.

The fun thing about making my own necklace is that whenever I get tired of it, I can take it apart and do something different.

We went up to the old remnants of an orchard we have on our upper 20 acres, and picked the Yellow Transparent apples (only three of them) – an heirloom variety that you can’t even find as a tree species to plant in any of our garden supply catalogs.  This poor tree has had a very rough life, being regularly beaten up by bears.  This year we got to the harvest first, and so it will get a reprieve from that sort of treatment.

We keep daydreaming about building a smaller one story house up in the old orchard, and surrounding the house with a garden. Very Old English Garden style. But we love the view of our existing house, and we've almost finished all the work.

We keep daydreaming about building a smaller one story house up in the old orchard, and surrounding the house with a garden. Very Old English Garden style.  But, we love the view of our existing house, and we’ve almost finished all the work.

There are a couple of plum trees which have survived, and we picked the ripest red plums.  I decided this morning to go get the rest of the plums we left on the trees, even though they aren’t totally ripe, as the tartness will make for a good plum jelly/jam (whichever I decide to make).

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