Feed on

Plants and things

Our satsuma orange tree arrived via snail mail today, and the planter arrived by Fedex yesterday (good timing!) and so today we put the planter together and planted our new baby tree.

The tree will live in the south west corner of the sunroom. It already has some blooms and baby oranges on it.

Learn something new every day – it takes 12 months for a ripe fruit from the time a blossom appears.

So far no other wildflowers have appeared in the yard except for these buttercups.

Next we should see Spring Beauty, but so far none have shown up.

Their size is not very impressive but these baby Swiss Chard plants are in the greenhouse, well over a month before we'll be planting seeds in the garden.

Today we’re going to plant some pepper and tomato seeds in pots indoors.  We put a card table up in the living room and will set the peat pots up under grow lights.

A rotten log laying on the ground next to the woodshed and garage.

We had to pull down the outside bird feeders earlier than we had wanted to, due to the activity of the large black bear who is hanging around.  He used his claws and put a big dent into this rotten log, searching for ants or other insects.  We are not sure why he didn’t find the feeders, but there was no sense in tempting fate twice!  This tree isn’t all that soft either.  Bears are amazingly strong critters.

One Response to “Plants and things”

  1. laura kidd says:

    I thought you were going to put the orange tree outside. Dumb me. Looks like a very healthy one. Like the planter also. A perfect spot for it. Woo on the tree limb. Scary to have a bear so close to your house. Spring looks like it close to your place.

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