Feed on

Yesterday we got the rafters cut and in place.  That was a major accomplishment, and our neighbor came over to help us accomplish it.   I picked rhubarb in the garden and made a pie while Dan and Gary were putting up the rafters.

This morning Dan was checking all the rafters to make sure no nails were sticking up to catch the plastic covering, and to see if anything needed sanding, for the same reason.

While he was doing that, I got out a shovel, rake, and wheelbarrow and started to level the edges of the interior, to bring the dirt level up to the top of the foundation boards.

Then Dan started to put in all the bracing on the rafters.

Under the ridge board is a board that ties the rafters together. And then between each rafter is another board so that the span of plastic between the ridge board and to top of the wall will no longer be 12 feet, but split about in half.  This should keep the plastic from sagging with the snow in the winter.

Hurray!  The building is completed.  We still need to install hurricane clips on the rafter boards, attaching them to  exterior walls, but that’s the last thing to be done.  And then it’s time to put the plastic covering over the structure.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be pretty awful, so it won’t be tomorrow.  Which is a good thing.  We are both worn out.  But it’s done 🙂  Once the plastic is in place, we’ll build the raised beds and start filling them with dirt, and get everybody planted.

The melon plants are growing leaps and bounds.  The squash seeds are germinating, and so are all the herb seeds I planted.  The squash plants go into the garden, not the greenhouse, and at the same time we transplant those, we’ll plant the beans, and some more lettuce varieties, and our garden will be all planted for the growing season.  Exciting to watch everything grow.


One Response to “Greenhouse – structure is completed”

  1. laura kidd says:

    That is really nice. Congrats and getting it done. Can hardly wait to see the plastic in place.

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