Nothing happening, just watching the frost coating on the trees, and waiting for it to snow, and looking at seed catalogs.

Today the fog finally lifted away from the mountains, though it's still hanging around in the valley below us.
Makes us glad to be up on the side of the mountain on a day like today. We are a little tired of all the foggy weather and not seeing the sun shining on our solar panels. We’ve used a lot of gas in the generator so far this month.

Pine needles hold a lot of frost. And when the sun does come out, the frost drops off the needles, like a miniature snowstorm under the trees.
It was really warm last week, above freezing temperatures during the day, and the snow on the ground really settled a lot, from a foot of snow to about six inches of really hard and icy snow pack. We need more moisture. This has been an extremely dry winter so far.

This week the temperatures are more normal, and so the cook stove is getting used to make breakfast.
Banana pancakes, maple syrup heating in the blue pan, and a pot of tea on a trivet is keeping warm. Having two wood stoves going heats the house up very quickly. Yesterday we also baked some potatoes from our harvest last fall. They are keeping really well, so far, and now we have a better idea of how many seed potatoes to plant next year. We are doing a lot of thinking about the garden.
It’s hard to believe but in roughly 85 days we will have hummingbirds back, wildflowers will be blooming, and the grass will be green.