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Today as the sun rose over the mountains to the east, a fog bank surrounded our house, and captured the morning light.

Looking towards the eastern sky, the brightest light shows where the sun was peeking over the mountains.

Looking west the sky is still the darker hues from the departing night. Even the hillside was other-worldly.

Looking north, one small cloud within the larger fog bank glows as a lighter shade of pink.

When the sun finally came over the mountains a few minutes after I took these pictures, the world changed back to its normal colors, but for a moment it was truly magical.

Progress is being made again.

A part on my spinning wheel broke as soon as I started using it again, and I had to order a replacement part.  The internet is so amazing, I only had to wait a week for my new part to arrive which it did on Wednesday.  It took a bit of fiddling but the part was replaced and yesterday I started back on my spinning project.  It will take most of the weekend to fill up this bobbin, if I put in the hours.  It will give me enough yarn for a palatine shawl knit in an Orenburg lace pattern.  I’d almost forgotten how much fun it is to make my own yarn.  The internet makes it too easy to order yarn instead 🙂


One Response to “Sunrise”

  1. laura kidd says:

    Beautiful sky. Don’t think I have ever seen a purple one like that. Pays to get up early. looking on my ipad weather app it has been saying that there is an air stagnation advisory, do not know if that is where you are. Yes the internet is great. Had to get a part for one of the tubs that looked yuk and found one and it was sent to me. Now Donnie will need to replace the part.

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