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Happiness Is A Woodstove

Cool rainy weather means the cook stove is heating the kitchen, and more importantly from the cat's point of view, cooking his head.

You’d think a fur coat would be sufficient, but he loves the wood stoves and was just delighted that we’ve been using the stove this last week.

Today I’m finishing up the box of peaches, making five pints of cinnamon and peach sauce, and a batch of peach butter.  This afternoon I will make one batch of spiced pluot sauce and tomorrow I’ll finish off the remaining pluots by making some pluot jam and pluot butter.  I’m quite interested in that prospect.

And that will be the end of my fruit playing for the year.  Time to start thinking of what else we need to get into the pantry for the coming winter.  The equinox is only two weeks away.

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