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More garden stuff

The last couple of weeks we’ve been enjoying the garden produce a lot. I’ve been making on average 3-4 quarts of dill pickles a week from the three cucumber plants.   So far I’ve made 15 quart jars of pickles.

The yellow snap beans were delicious and all gone. Next year we'd like to plant a whole bed of these plants so I could put up some canned beans.

The Anaheim peppers were wonderful in breakfast scrambles.  There are still two peppers on the plants, and another batch of salsa peppers are growing.  Those will be ripe in a few weeks. The slicing cucumbers are hard to keep up with but so delicious with mayonaise.  The butter head lettuce is almost gone; there are only two heads left in the garden.

A raspberry pie didn't last long around here. So I made a peach pie and that didn't last long either. I sense a theme.

There some new raspberries starting to get ripe but it’s highly unlikely there will be enough to make a pie but snacking will be nice.

Terry is inspecting the first Golden Beets of the season. These are for dinner tonight.

She thought these were cool.  She was clucking at them.

The gladiolus are blooming and I picked some to put in the sunroom today. Makes me want to plant some more bulbs in the garden.

Summer is winding down and we could see a frost within the next couple of weeks, so we are enjoying the nice weather while we have it.

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