Feed on

First fawn of the year

A doe and fawn walked through the front yard today, first one we’ve seen this year. Not any bigger than Mishkin, so cute. Speaking of Mish, he was being tough in the doe and fawn’s general direction.

This fawn can't be older than a day, or two, at the very most. So small. Dutifully following it's mom, who was walking slowly so her baby could keep up.

Let the babysitting begin. Our yard will become a nursery again.

The picture is so fuzzy because I took it through a window, not wanting to scare these two.  I’ll wait until later to do that, when they are in the bird feeders and we’re trying to chase them away.  Of course, that won’t work because they aren’t going to be afraid of us or pay us any more than token attention.

The cycle of life, White Mountain style.

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