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Waiting for warmer weather

We have some baby plants growing in peat pots, no ‘real’ leaves yet, just their seedling leaves are showing.  Rainy weather and cool means they don’t get to go outside quite yet.  We have some plants from the nursery this year (next year we hope to plant our own seeds for tomato and pepper varieties, but too late this year).

Everybody is sitting on the dining table in the sunroom, waiting for non-freezing weather. Maybe next week.

Potential indoor plant predator, too busy watching Kitty TV and hoping for something on the Rodent Channel.

So far Mish has shown no interest in the plants on the table, but if we left the french doors open overnight, I bet he’d pay some attention and we wouldn’t like it!

Freezing overnight temperatures are still being predicted until at least Tuesday next week, but if the days start getting up over 60 during the day, we’ll start sitting things out to get them used to the idea.

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