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Don’t you hate when that happens?  I wouldn’t have complained a bit if they had missed the mark entirely and we woke up to 70F and sunshine.

A good two inches of snow fell overnight and is still falling as I am writing this post.

Ponderosa Pine needles really capture and hold snowflakes.

We are in the clouds this morning, or a combination of fog and snowflakes.  In any event, we can’t see very far this morning.  The pass will have a lot more snow and it’s a good thing we have winter tires since we get to go driving over it today.  Poor Dan, no cinnamon rolls on the first snowfall of the season.  We are going to my physical therapy appointment and no doubt I won’t feel like doing any cooking when we are home again.

Happiness is a warm head.

Mish has been sprawled on the floor in front of the wood stove all morning, rolling around from time to time and stretching out.  He is the picture of contented kitty.  He doesn’t know anything about weather forecasts, good or bad, and couldn’t care less.

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