Feed on

Earlier in the week, even though it was snowflaking (not snowing enough to stick to anything, but giving a good imitation of it), the sun came out in time to feed the solar panels.  And it was a cheerful sight indeed.  We didn’t mind that it was mid February and we still have a good two feet of snow on the ground, the sun was shining, chickadees were tuning up their vocal chords for spring, and there were sparkles on the snow.

This morning it was still snowflaking, and the sky is heavy with mist and clouds, and alas no solar gain to be had.

There's mountains in them thar' clouds

There's mountains in them thar' clouds

The solar panels always look forlorn when the sun isn’t shining off of them.

Standing at attention, but not a ray in sight

Standing at attention, but not a ray in sight

Still, even in blah condition, it’s still pretty outside on the deck.  We can’t imagine green, though.  White has seared itself into our consciousness.

Looking due north off the front deck

Looking due north off the front deck

A cheering thought comes from looking due north, the knowledge that it will be green here before it is up there! 🙂

This morning we woke up very early, before 5 am.  I think we must be practicing for that most annoying event – the switch to Daylight Savings Time.  Whoever thought that up initially should be ashamed of themselves!  We hate having our bio-rhythms messed with, but that’s just a pet peeve.

Having awakened so early, there was really only one thing to do.  Pancakes!!  There was much rejoicing, not to mention much munching.

Blues Berry Pancakes

Blues Berry Pancakes

When you have the blahs, the solution is blues.

The other solution is a judicious application of nap time.

A suspicious lump under the covers

A suspicious lump under the covers

Whenever our Mishcreant is being quiet, just like any adolescent, one must always see why things are so quiet.  He’s been sleeping most of the morning, and will be a holy terror all evening.

I have been working on a new theory regarding cats and higher mathematics.  I think their mothers are instructing them in the joys of geometry and trigonometry with their first milk.  To us it sounds like purring….  Have you never noticed how a cat will study your movements and then swiftly calculate your trajectory and leap to intercept your feet?  It is uncanny.  Perhaps I can get a government grant to study this further.

I must be bored.

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