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It’s raining!

At least that’s what I thought as I was first waking up this morning. A heavy rainfall too, from the sounds of it.

Then I opened my eyes.

It was raining alright, not water drops though. It was raining plums! Plums and pine needles.

These small plums are about the size of a large marble. No doubt with some food for the tree and copious amounts of water, the size of the fruit would increase. Which would please the bears and deer and packrats who all absolutely adore these fruits.

The tree it over 20 feet tall and we don’t have a ladder tall enough to do anything about the fruit, so must await a helpful strong fall wind to do the harvesting for us.  Then tonight, depending on who gets here first, we will get to listen to the harvest.  The packrats try to hide the plums in the downspout for the rain gutters.  The deer go crunch crunch crunch, and then snort in alarm and stomp their feet and crash off through the aspen grove when the bear arrives, who goes crunch crunch crunch, shuffle, snuffle, before wandering off.  Plumfall does not make for a restful nights’ sleep.

Terry was out for a little playtime on her new favorite spot. She leans over the countertop and talks to the cabinets.

Then, if you say, "Wings!" she does her one and only trick. She does it well.

Mish was up all night, evidently, hoping for another mouse playmate.

In full watch-cat mode, watching leaves falling from the aspen grove, through the window.

All the birds and the cat keep telling us the sky is falling.  They don’t get this whole weather idea.  Too bad, this is still the best time of year.

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