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Christmas Day Sunrise

A cold winter morning, moon setting as the sun rises.

A cold snap is heading our way, below zero overnight is possible this next week.  We’re looking forward to that, actually.  It feels neat!

This little Brown Creeper was dazed by hitting the window this morning. He's now resting comfortably in a brown paper bag (any other color wouldn't do), until he starts scrabbling around.

Not exactly how we anticipated starting a Christmas Bird Count today, but we’re very glad this one is ok.  We’ve had a bad week for birds hitting the windows.  We’ve lost a hen Downy Woodpecker and an adult male Goshawk (yesterday).  We’re going to buy some stickers to put on the outside of the windows which look clear to us but are visible in ultra-violet to birds.  Theoretically this will help them to avoid impact.  I’m very much hoping it will work.  Though, on the other hand, if you pardon the pun, being able to see such a beautiful little bird up close is cool!

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