Feed on

Sunset and Innocence

December sun sets far to the south and west, through the trees.  We haven’t been seeing much in the way of sunsets this month; lots of cloudy weather at the wrong time of day.

Fuzzy clouds reflect the sunlight, and the sunset is reflected in the clear bird feeder.

Today we had a herd of Pine Siskins in the bird feeder, and a lone Evening Grosbeak was yelling at the top of a tree.  Normally we don’t see just one Evening Grosbeak on their own; he had lost his flock and was yelling about it until they come back and find him, or somebody else finds him like one of the predators which hang around our yard from time to time.

Speaking of predators, here is Mishkin waiting for me to come inside from taking a picture, and looking innocent.

This is his best, "Who?.... Me?" look.

One Response to “Sunset and Innocence”

  1. Kerry says:

    Mishkin: truly in fine form!

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