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State of Mind

In the summer, when it is in the low to mid 90’s outside, and in the house it’s a much cooler 76F, I’ll find myself wearing scandalously skimpy clothing and thinking I’m going to die of heat stroke any second.  But put a white landscape outside the house and temperatures well below freezing, crank up the woodstove so the house is a toasty 76F, and I’ll snuggle with Mishkin under a blanket on the couch, wearing a sweater and warm socks and a long skirt.  Go figure.  It’s all merely a state of mind.  And it doesn’t matter if Dan reminds me of this when it is summer time – I am still too hot.

Freezing rain is a definite possibility for us today. The clouds are low and dark and moving fast. There is enough packed snow on the road down the mountain that freezing rain will make things "interesting."

Yesterday Opal was having a fit about a Sharp-shinned Hawk hunting in the front yard.  I took a picture of said predator using the strongest telephoto lense on our digital camera, and it’s still just a spec.

This same tree top is captured in the picture above, not with a zoom lense. There, you see it? Smack dab in the center of the picture, that dot on top of a tree.

That is how we see the bird with binoculars.

And this is how Opal sees the hawk.

She just has conniptions.  So we cover her cage with a towel and drop the blinds.  She definitely operates under the principle of ‘what I can’t see won’t hurt me, but it might so I better keep a beady eye out for it!!!’  She gets Terry all worried when she’s screaming bloody murder about something, and sends Mishkin scampering up the stairs at high speed.  They usually can’t see what she’s talking about, like this hawk, or the Golden Eagle soaring a couple of miles away which caused great consternation a few days ago.

Yesterday I made pizza for lunch using a new flour mixture from my cookbook.  The same mixture lends itself to making bread sticks, pretzels, french bread, and bagels.  I think I wanna try bagels today.  That would make a great snack with some cream cheese.  The kitchen is clean, and so I must do something to mess it up again.  It will be fun!

One Response to “State of Mind”

  1. Kerry says:

    So, does Opal use the binoculars? Do you take a picture throught the binoculars? Is a telescope coming next? I could almost see that bird in the very first picture, and then you pointed it out–I was right, it was there in the center of the photo. And, I saw that with ordinary prescription glasses!! Hahahaha.

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