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Mid-November Snowfall

Yesterday it snowed all day long, off and on, with barely any accumulation on the ground, just enough to remind us of the colors of winter.


This hilltop directly across from us rises barely higher than our home's elevation. The morning shadow cast by the mountain behind us creeps lower as the sun rises; all colors intensify.

Golden grass still shines through the thin blanket of snow.  Some hint of color also remains on the Larch trees interspersed with the darker hues of the pine and fir trees adjacent to them.  Soon, when snows are deeper, it will all just be a contrast of dark and light, whites and grays and blacks, against an azure blue sky when the clouds depart, as they have today.


At sunrise the hills and mountains far to the west of us take on a rose glow. Our mountain shadow is incorporated by shadows from other higher peaks farther to the east. Dusk retreats and the horizon glows brighter and brighter.


Pastel pink painted peak. Say that quickly 3 times.

It’s a nice day to stay home and do fun things like house cleaning, laundry, and bake something yummy in the oven.  Fortunately for us, this is exactly our plan.

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