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Above freezing

For the first time since mid to late November, it is above freezing.  The snow is softening and getting heavier, and falling off the trees with a soft whomping sound.  This made for some interesting times plowing the driveway, but I don’t think any landed directly on Dan’s head.  We have had so much snow that there’s really not much room to push it out of the way now.  He worked on clearing the driveway for over an hour today.  As soon as he saw where the temperatures were heading, he headed out the door and went to work.

A spring-ish sky, looks more like rain than snow

A spring-ish sky, looks more like rain than snow

For the first time in a few days, the clouds lifted enough for us to see to the ski resort mountain and surrounding mountains.   More weather is definitely coming our direction.  It feels amazing outside with the higher temperatures.

Pine trees make a mess when it warms up

Pine trees make a mess when it warms up

The snow surrounding the suet tree, as it is referred to by our feathery neighbors, is messy from the Ponderosa Pine dropping needles and the dripping water of melting snow.  It is also markedly shallow under the large trees.  In the yard, now, prior to settling, we have over two feet of snow.  Under these large trees near the garage, the snow depth is at most six inches.

Clean snow in wide open spaces

Clean snow in wide open spaces

In front of our house, where no large trees reside, the snow is deep, and clean.  Very few stalks of grass protrude above the top of the drifts, and the aspen grove looks a little ghostly behind our house.  This is the time of year the aspens like to fall over, and immediately behind the house, one of the trees that Dan had been concerned with did fall sideways, not landing on the house.  Two left to fall; this spring we will remove them in a controlled fashion, and make a bit of room for a deck!

All is serene around the house with the soft spring snow.  Inside the house it is a different matter entirely.

What can I get into now??

What can I get into now??

Mishkin has a new game.  It’s called “Chase the cat” and the rules are simple.  He looks for something that will cause his pet humans to chase him.  He has a look of total delight on his furry little face when he succeeds in getting Dan to chase him for a little way.  You can see him considering his next move….

Dan liked the fruit and nut bread, except for the ginger.  Next time I’ll add a bit more orange juice, and use some dried blueberries or golden raisins instead of ginger.  I might be on to something here.

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