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First Snowfall

Yesterday the last of our winter supply of firewood was tucked away under cover.  And not a moment too soon!

The first fall snows.  Quick, where's the snow shovel and where's the snow rake and where's the....  Oh, wait, it's only October.  This will melt!

The first fall snows. Quick, where's the snow shovel and where's the snow rake and where's the.... Oh, wait, it's only October. This will melt!

Preserving absolute calm here now.  It’s sticking though and not slacking off yet.  It will no doubt melt before too long.  Which means I have to be quick.  Family tradition is to make cinnamon rolls during the first snowfall.

Haven’t been doing much the past week except getting ready for winter.  We have a couple of chores left to do.  Put snow tires on the vehicles and change the oil in the Ranger, for plowing the driveway, and clear the grass away on the left side of the driveway going out to the road from the house and make sure that we can push the snow farther that direction this year.  We may have more than one log and/or stump to remove.  This snow is a wake up call that we’re pushing it a bit close!

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