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Lace scarf

Finally finished a scarf I started a while ago, before it was snowing actually.  Figures it’s done and the snow is melting.

This is a totally unique lace yarn, one of a kind, made for me by my friend Diana.

The finished blocked scarf is 9.5 inches wide, and about 38 inches long, without any fringe, and weighs 2.5 ounces at this time.  I’m thinking beads!  But I’m not sure.  The drape is nice and beads might weigh it down or pull it out of shape.  Experimentation time.

This is one of my most favorite patterns to knit. It's a super easy 6 row repeat pattern. Perfect for knitting while watching the television.

2 Responses to “Lace scarf”

  1. Laura Kidd says:


  2. sally says:

    It looks beautiful Karen.

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