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First real snowfall.

It is a winter snow advisory (for those people who never actually look out the window) but not a storm. We are supposed to get three to five inches accumulation. And because this is the first real snow I’m making cinnamon rolls. They are sitting next to the oven raising, and a batch of sweet rolls are now baking while we’re waiting for the cinnamon rolls to double in size.

Can't see the mountains to the east, and can't see the trees very far to the east either.

Can’t see the mountains to the east, and can’t see the trees very far to the east either.

It looks kinda foggy but it is just lots and lots of little snowflakes in the air.

A small group of turkeys, probably a family, were milling around in the yard and talking softly to each other about something.

A small group of turkeys, probably a family, were milling around in the yard and talking softly to each other about something.

They get pretty snowy on their wing feathers and back but are toasty warm with all the down feathers they have.

By tomorrow morning it may very well look like winter out there.

Update. Got about six inches of snow so far. Woo hoo!

Dan had a couple of sweet rolls as soon as they came out of the oven, and then had no room for cinnamon rolls. He will remedy that situation this morning.

Dan had a couple of sweet rolls as soon as they came out of the oven, and then had no room for cinnamon rolls. He will remedy that situation this morning.

I made some cinnamon frosting for the rolls last night and frosted them once the rolls cooled.

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