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It would be nice to say we are organized. It would be a total lie if we did say that, but it would be nice if we could ever get there. I have a long list of things I want to do to achieve the goal of being organized. Maybe I should write them down on paper. 🙂

We still have a lot of things left to do inside the house to complete the renovation project, hopefully before snow flies. As fast as time is flying past who knows how successful we will be at achieving that goal.

The weather gods approved of the contractors finally being done with our house.

The weather gods approved of the contractors finally being done with our house.

Our list is long. We need to paint the interior of the house. That will happen in stages since we have to move stuff every time we want to paint a wall or portion of ceiling.

Then we have seven light fixtures to hang, four in the kitchen, two in the bathroom, and one in the hallway.

The beams in the living room and kitchen ceiling need to have tiny nail holes filled in and then we will varnish the boards with a water based clear coat. That whole process will be tedious at best and it might wait until next year when we can open the windows and air out the house as we are varnishing. We could open the windows now if we had screens! That is another story. Maybe those will show up this week.

Once the walls and ceiling are painted we can hang pictures and cellular blinds. The blinds are supposed to improve the heat retention on the house. Of course replacing the funky windows and exterior doors and siding and roofing all did way more to make the house retain more heat, but every little bit helps.

Yesterday we re-arranged furniture in the living room in our continuing efforts to make the house more efficient. Here’s a video with the results.

What we did instead of painting.

I have yarn I ordered from Amazon which is in the hot little hands of Fedex but are they delivering my package? Noooooooooo. Their website for tracking the package said it was out for delivery on Thursday and Friday, but it never arrived. This morning the package tracking said the business was closed or nobody was there to accept the package. What the hell???  We hate being lied to, so we called Fedex and said what the hell. They finally admitted the package is sitting at Moses Lake but they are “too busy to bring it to us,” which doesn’t explain why they are writing bullshit on their package tracking information. Tried to speak with a supervisor but that didn’t work because they just put us on hold to make us listen to really crappy music until we couldn’t stand it anymore. Assholes. I guess we’ll report the package lost on Monday and tell the shipper to re-send because if Fedex is lying about one thing who can believe they even have a package?  Grrrrr. Maybe they have staffing problems, or who knows, but we absolutely hate being lied to.

Fortunately I have an alternative.

A birthday present! I've been fondling this soft yarn and trying to decide what to do with it.

A birthday present! I’ve been fondling this soft yarn and trying to decide what to do with it. Do I combine the yarns into one project since they compliment each other, or do I make two things? Decisions, decisions.

One Response to “Organized?”

  1. Cassandra says:

    Gorgeous pictures and you have been busy. May the screens arrive soon. I love the shot with the rainbow.

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