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Yay! Mishkin doesn’t think it has been fun living inside a drum. He didn’t appreciate the nail gun at all. Neither did we but we love the results.

Picture of the house prior to any changes.

Picture of the house prior to any changes.

We really hated the steel roofing. It was a hazard to navigation with snow sliding off the roof in line with the front door.


New roof, windows, doors, and siding, plus other issues that aren't visible were addressed.

New roof, windows, doors, and siding, plus other issues that aren’t visible were all addressed.

For one thing, there is a propane tank sitting next to the house! I love the gas range and in October we will have a stand alone propane backup generator which can run the entire house. Considering how often the power goes off around here for hours at a time, this is pretty much a necessity.

Front porch. The pine ceiling over the porch has been completed.

Front porch. The pine ceiling over the porch has been completed.

Looking the other direction on the front porch.

Looking the other direction on the front porch.

The stain we are going to use on the pine boards will give it a nice warm color.

The stain we are going to use on the pine boards will give it a nice warm color.

We’ll end up painting the porch deck boards, but probably not this year. They are going to start painting the exterior today which will make the cat happy. Oro doesn’t really care about the noise but he doesn’t like people walking past his window so we will move his cage into the kitchen.

Painting is a quiet activity, except for the leaf blower they are using at the moment to blow dust off the siding which is there as a result of sawing the boards to length.


One Response to “Siding replacement completed!!”

  1. Paula/Jacki says:

    Your blog makes me smile a really big smile. I was thinking whilst I was reading: “This would make a really good book” and I’m not throwing that around lightly either. Give it some consideration. If someone can make a mil on ‘The Egg and I’ why not KO with something like We came, we saw, we conquered the Reno” or “I Came, He Sawed and we all got Hammered”? Well maybe not either of those titles, although it would likely boost sales, but the book i still a good idea.

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