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Oro is a good watch-bird

Oro alerts us to visitors, real and imaginary. Today we had a real visit. He has amazing eyesight!! Sometimes he will complain about an eagle soaring miles away, and it is just at the limits of us catching a glimpse with our binoculars to see what it is he’s talking about.

A cow moose was strolling past on the hillside across from our house.

A cow moose was traveling on the hillside across from our house. She had places to go and brush to eat. She looks really sleek for this time of year.

I managed to catch a picture of her before she disappeared behind the carport. The clump of grass in the upper right hand corner of the picture is the start of a new robin nest.

So far we’ve seen moose, coyote, bear, white-tail deer (no mule deer yet), and lots of birds. We haven’t seen any of the big cats yet, or a wolf, or elk, all of which are neighbors but somewhat secretive. But it’s just a matter of time. 🙂

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