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Dangerous places.

Sunday we went to Port Gamble to visit a museum.  It turned out that the museum wasn’t open, which was not a huge problem as it is a picturesque little town right on the water.  And it had a yarn store.

Yarn stores are dangerous places to go to, but I couldn’t resist at least going in the door.

Kid mohair, 2200 yards of it, which is slightly over a mile of yarn.

Kid mohair, 2200 yards of it, which is slightly over a mile of yarn.

Very dangerous place to go into.  I needed to buy more yarn like I need a new hole in my head, but this skein of yarn called out to me.

It was hanging on a coat rack, lovely silvery gray shading into dark coal black.

It was hanging on a coat rack, lovely silvery gray shading into dark coal black.

I could just see a lace shawl with this yarn; so now I have to make time to wind this into a ball of yarn (this weekend maybe), and find my knitting needles and stitch markers, and a book.  I found the end of the yarn so I can wind this skein into a ball of yarn.  That is going to take me hours.

It could have been worse.  It might have been a book store.  Selling knitting books 🙂

One Response to “Dangerous places.”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Hi Beautiful yarn. It will make a beautiful shawl. I happened to set down by computer and it happened to land on your blog. Fancy that.

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