Feed on

Miscellaneous Goings-on

The outside of the windows are clean (at the moment), and I’ve been taking some pictures of birds out the window. Pretty soon, a couple of weeks, there will be fawns tottering around on spindly legs after their moms. I’ll see if I can get some good pictures of this years’ babies. It’s that time of year.

The hummingbirds have been hanging out at the feeders next to the house because, up to this week, the weather has been very cool, highs in the 40’s and lows near freezing. Way too cold for them to be thinking about nesting. This week it warmed up and the group of 20 hummingbirds that has been around the house has gone poof. Time to think about babies!

They have been going through a quart of hummingbird juice a day, so we bought a bigger feeder. It works so well we're going to buy another one.

They have been going through a quart of hummingbird juice a day, so we bought a bigger feeder. It works so well we’re going to buy another one.

This year for the first time we have a pair of American Goldfinch nesting next to the house. We see both them regularly, landing in the Service Berry bush. They are such cheerful looking little birds.

The female of the pair. She's pale yellow; the male is a deep golden yellow, very pretty.

The female of the pair. She’s pale yellow; the male is a deep golden yellow, very pretty.

This coming weekend we’re going to transplant our baby tomato plants, pepper plants, and cauliflower into the greenhouse. And then we’ll finish planting the rest of the garden. The fruit bushes are all loaded with blossoms and that means we’ll have fruit to deal with starting the end of June. Hard to believe that is almost here!

I took this picture a week ago; the plants are bigger now. Dan has to keep raising the grow lights to keep them the right distances from the baby plants.

I took this picture a week ago; the plants are bigger now. Dan has to keep raising the grow lights to keep them the right distances from the baby plants.

I made a rhubarb/strawberry pie, and it turned out just delicious. The rhubarb is freshly picked and the strawberries are some I froze last year.

This pie is all gone. I have a Josta Berry pie filling already made and in the freezer. All I have to do is make the crust.

This pie is all gone. I have a Josta Berry pie filling already made and in the freezer. All I have to do is make the crust.

Here’s Mishkin in a crazy let’s play mood.

He loves it when I duck down below the back of the chair and then pop up and look at him. He leaps up and knocks the back of the chair back. A good cat game.

He loves it when I duck down below the back of the chair and then pop up and look at him. He leaps up and knocks the back of the chair back. A good cat game.

Doesn’t he look deranged? 🙂

Dignified cats don't play with toy mice or lions, right? But.... I have pictures!

Dignified cats don’t play with toy mice or lions, right? But…. I have pictures!

Speaking of cats, meet Poppy!!  She’s just come to live with my friend Jacki.  And even though she’s only 10 weeks old, she is already in charge of the household.   She’s just so cute!!!

She looks like a very happy kitten. :)

She looks like a very happy kitten. 🙂

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