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Caught in the act

The buttercup horde was back today, or at least two of them were; a doe and last years’ fawn were here snarfing up flowers just like they knew what they were doing. Truth be told, there’s really no doubt at all the buttercups are there for dining pleasure more than viewing pleasure.  But I can still whine about it 🙂

This delicacy was gone by the time this youngster was born last year.

This delicacy was gone by the time this youngster was born last year.

Fawns are born the first week in June, and so this little one is approaching one year old.  We wonder if this was the fawn that was running laps around our house last June.

But, just in case this is an illegal activitiy. I got a close up picture for future lineups.

Profile Mugshot - Suspect #78978123-84529

Profile Mugshot - Suspect #78978123-84529

Mishkin hasn’t really noticed very many deer; he’s good at being oblivious when the mood is upon him.  But these two were so close to the front deck that I couldn’t resist picking Mish up and taking him to the front sliding glass doors to see if he would notice these two interlopers and what he would do.

The reaction was immediate.  He fluffed up totally, and growled!  He’s a big cat, almost a year old now and weighing in at a solid 13 pounds, and he has a deep and impressive growl.  He watched the deer from the safety of his rug next to the door, and then hopped up on the end-table next to the window and kept a close eye on the deer until they wandered off.  He’s a good watchcat, and very brave.  I can’t hardly wait until the first bear arrives.  He’ll know one is here because he’ll get to hear the famous macaw alarm call.  Terry absolutely can’t stand having a bear in the yard.

Tail fluffed but tucked neatly away, and ears slightly back, ready for action...

Tail fluffed but tucked neatly away, and ears slightly back, ready for action...

We had an amazing sunset last night.  It didn’t last hardly any time at all, but when the sun went below the horizon, color flashed all across the sky.

Amazing colors from west to east, fading within five minutes

Amazing colors from west to east, fading within five minutes

There are some Spring Beauty flowers for me to take pictures of sometime today when the weather warms up a bit. The heat from the cookstove is so inviting this morning and I’m feeling wimpy, so I think I’ll just stay in the kitchen for a while. We’re going to have a hectic few days while the satellite TV person is here (we’re switching from Dish to DirectTV), and a propane stove person is coming the same day to see the basement and discuss what sort of propane stove might work best. We have a propane heater downstairs but have never turned it on. And our contractor friend Jack will be here with his sons to do some work on the house which is too hard for us to do. It’s going to be a wholesale invasion. Yikes! Mishkin and I will retire to the upstairs bedroom for the duration.

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