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Not sure why, but Spring sure looks an awful lot like Winter outside our windows. Probably a good thing we didn’t go have the snowtires taken off the Legacy yesterday!

It snowed overnight, and then has been snowing steadily all day long.  High temperatures are in the mid 30's, so this is supposedly not sticking too much.

It snowed overnight, and then has been snowing steadily all day long. High temperatures are in the mid 30’s, so this is supposedly not sticking too much.

Yeah.  Right.  Not sticking at all.

Yeah. Right. Not sticking at all.

Mish is totally into the whole Winter concept. He just wanted to know why I was flashing bright lights at him and disturbing his meditation.

He took a break from resting his head on the laptop power supply to soak up some BTU's behind the cook stove.  He's had a hard day.

He took a break from resting his head on the laptop power supply to soak up some BTU’s behind the cook stove. He’s had a hard day.

Terry out on her stand, and taking every opportunity to show off her one and only trick.  She has tons of pinfeathers on her head, but she has all her wing and tail feathers at the moment.



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