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It only feels like spring.

After a couple of weeks with below zero temperatures, suddenly having above freezing temperatures feels amazingly warm!

The other morning it snowed, a very pretty spring snowfall (even though it's not actually spring yet); big flakes, falling thickly.

The other morning it snowed, a very pretty spring snowfall (even though it’s not actually spring yet); big flakes, falling thickly.

The snowfall didn't last all that long but so pretty while it lasted.

The snowfall didn’t last all that long but so pretty while it lasted.

So we had blueberry pancakes made with wild blueberries, and some spiced josta berry sauce and a bit of maple syrup on the side because the josta berry sauce is very tart.

It was so warm, we didn't need to use the wood stove in the living room, and when the cookstove is working, it says "Pancakes."  Who knew wood cookstoves could talk?

It was so warm, we didn’t need to use the wood stove in the living room, and when the cookstove is working, it says “Pancakes.” Who knew wood cookstoves could talk?

I took a break from shawl knitting this weekend and made a bead knitted purse. I decorated it with jet beads and amber beads. Nice to make something fast and get instant results.

Love making these.

Love making these.  They are small but surprising heavy for their size.

2 Responses to “It only feels like spring.”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    Good Morning. Oh How pretty. I guess you buy all the beads some place You are so talented. Do you ever sell any of these? I bet you could if you wanted to. Yes we got snow 7″ last week but all my yard in the front is all melted. It is still around across the street. Pays to buy a house on the sunny side. I am very lucky that I have neighbors that shovel for me. This snow was heavy. It does feel like spring today. I am ready. I always look at your blog and so excited to see something new. Till later Love me

  2. Jacki says:

    Am I the only person who wonders where Karen gets all this time? She cooks, bakes, works, gardens, splits wood, makes shawls, makes knitted animals, shovels snow, reads books, plays bridge, shops, keeps Dan happy, and Lord only knows what else.

    Personally, I’m good to get up in the morning, have coffee (Kerug) do some cooking, do some work and that’s about it. Well except for Poker games on Fridays and Cribbage on Mondays. either of which takes two hours.

    I feel like such a slacker. But get ready for my 16×20 canvas of Mish glaring at the housekeeper while he was safe under her sofa. That has to be the best *ever* pet photo I have ever seen.

    P.S. Sorry to give you this news folks, but it’s not Spring, it’s February.

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