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For my 60th birthday present to myself, I ordered some qiviut/silk (50/50) yarn, enough to make whatever size of lace shawl I want. I have transformed the first skein of yarn into a ball and put it in my yarn bowl. I’ll be using size 1 US needles for this project. The color is called “Kodiak” – named for the largest brown bear.


I thought I’d fiddled around enough with the chart I’ve made on my computer that I could just dive right in, but looking at the chart again last night, I decided I need to do some more work on it before I get started. I’m still not sure if I like the border pattern, and I may just start from scratch on that part of my project-to-be.

Like Dan told me, for the next year I won’t be able to say I’m bored 🙂


Speaking of bored, Mishkin wasn’t when I took this picture. Doesn’t he look like he’s ready for trouble? Mish is all perky because Dan just had him upside down in the chair, rough-housing with him. Dan left and Mish is saying “hey, where’d ya’ go?” He’s all ready for round 2, or 3, or whatever round it is today.


Our orange tree has six oranges growing on it, in various sizes. This is the largest one. And it isn’t the least bit orange. Maybe by the end of the year we’ll have one to share between us.


Last night we had a really nice sunset. This time of year we get some of the best sunsets. Just as the sun was setting last night, a good size 300 pound, or thereabout weight wise, black bear strolled past the sun room windows and our macaw saw it from her windows.

The bear could not figure out what was making that horrendous noise so it stopped right below the birds’ windows to try to figure it out, which of course did nothing to improve the noise levels inside the house. Dan opened the window behind the bear and said scram, and that bear went poof! Obviously that was a noise he recognized.

We saw the same bear again this morning when we went down the hill for our morning walk, on the road right below our house, ripping up a chokecherry bush. There is so much fruit on the bushes right now, the bears are going to get very fat this fall.  Which is, if you’re a bear, the name of the game.

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