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Old Versus New

Our new gas range got delivered today, and we unpacked it from the box and discarded all the bits of cardboard, strapping tape, styrofoam, and plastic.  Now it is sitting in the kitchen waiting for the guy who will convert it from natural gas to propane.  He comes on Friday.


So, until he gets here, the new range is sitting next to our wood cookstove.  It’s so interesting how the gas range manufacturer strives to make their new gas range cook as evenly and with as much versatility in temperatures as the original cookstove.  The gas range has a large center heating gas port designed to use with a griddle for making pancakes.

We’ll see.  So far, except for things like boiling water for canning, the cookstove actually does better than any range I’ve ever had.  The oven on the cookstove is tricky to use but I’ve baked many a thing with it.

The new range has a convection oven, which I’ve never used before.  Can’t wait to try it out.  My friend Rain sent me a recipe I want to make first thing 🙂

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