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Answer: Threaten to wash the cars. That’s really all it takes, and not even a threat, just a spoken outloud intention to do so, while outside so that the weather gods can hear you.  So, it has been snowing recently, since said intention was voiced over the weekend.  It isn’t accumulating, but Mother Nature is letting us know she’s listening and will smite us if we continue thinking crazy thoughts.  On the upside, both our cars look alike even though they are technically different colors, and they closely resemble the color and texture of our dirt road.

Our migratory bird population continues to expand with a new species or two arriving every few days.  It’s pretty exciting to hear Varied Thrush singing in the woods.  They won’t stay here as the climate is too dry, so they’re just sort of practicing their singing technique on the way to their breeding grounds.  No matter, we’ll take it while we can get it.  The ethereal notes are wonderful.  A Sharp-shinned Hawk just flew through the yard, causing an explosion of birds.

We have a deceased propane generator.  The repair guy was here yesterday and left, shaking his head and vowing to review the repair manual overnight to come up with some suggestions on how to fix it.  The obvious things have been studied and ruled out as the cause of its demise.  Now it is something esoteric 🙁  We both hate mechanical equipment when it doesn’t work, and have virtually no patience for dealing with such things.

The snow is melting overall; we’re down to a foot of it on the ground.  Our driveway is now a sheet of ice with only a few deep soft spots.  And today the sun appears like it is going to shine, so the solar panels will feed the batteries properly.  Yeah!!!!!

On Saturday we are driving to Coeur d’Alene to attend a fiber arts festival, a spin-in.  That is assuming Dan doesn’t get crazy and actually wash a car, thereby causing a blizzard of epic proportions.

I had fun this afternoon making muffins.  I made two kinds.  One is Banana Nut Muffins, and the other is a Cornmeal and Blueberry Muffin in a heart shaped muffin tin.

Banana Nut  and Cornmeal Blueberry - which to choose??  Great problem!

Banana Nut and Cornmeal Blueberry - which to choose?? Great problem!

Dan and Mishkin are enjoying watching television.

At least they aren't arguing about the remote control

At least they aren't arguing about the remote control

Dan cooperates by providing belly rubs on demand.  Mishkin has come to expect this.

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