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Josta Berry Jam

We picked six cups (almost) of our first harvest of Josta Berries, and I made jam yesterday.

The color of these mashed berries is a spectacular magenta purple.

The berries are very firm and hold their shape, so first I cooked them until they were softened, then I took a potato masher to the pot and tried to crush all whole berries.  For the most part I was successful.

It only made five small jars of jam.

A row of jam jars ready to put into the pantry.

When the jam is in a jar it is a really deep purple with red undertones.

It makes us both smile to see these little jars of jam. We've been looking forward to a harvest for years.

Starting next year we should see a larger harvest.  It takes years for these plants to get into the swing of things.  A fully mature plant will produce around ten pounds of fruit each.  And we have four of the plants.  Oh oh….

We have two gooseberry plants, and only one produced this year.  We got 25 pounds of fruit off that one plant which is now about ten feet in diameter.  Thank goodness the other plant didn’t do anything this year!

Dan says the Josta Berry jam is the best jam I’ve ever made.

For this year, anybody who wants to taste Josta Berry Jam has to come visit us.  Cassandra and Rod will be here in September.  Make your reservations soon 🙂

One Response to “Josta Berry Jam”

  1. laura kidd says:

    I do not think I have ever tasted Josta Berry or seen one. Are they like a black berry? Sure looks yummy.

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