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Functioning Greenhouse

We finished building the raised beds until we ran out of boards.   We have ordered some new boards to finish the last two raised beds.

And then we planted the raised beds we have built.  Now the fun starts – water the plants and watch them grow and then start harvesting!

Windows are built and functioning. And so is the screen door.

We decided to use a notched 2×2 board to hold the windows open, and maximize the size of the opening for air flow.  The automatic openers, while a nice concept, would only let us open the windows about half this much.

The northeast bed has three melon plants.

The northwest bed has three varieties of cucumber seeds planted. It will be a week before they peep up out and wave their baby leaves at the world.

The west wall has all tomato plants. Next to the cucumber bed is all Roma tomato plants, for future tomato sauce production. Next to them are eating tomatoes. And around corner on the southwest bed are more a variety of tomato plants, an heirloom variety, and some other types.

The southeast bed has a two squash plants. And the two middle beds each have six pepper plants, of various types.

More pepper plants 🙂

Where the chairs are sitting now will be another middle bed, roughly six feet long and four feet wide. It will be the home for another melon plant. And next to it, between the middle bed and the northwest bed will be another raised bed roughly four and a half feet long and three feet wide. That will be for my herb garden.

The boards to complete these last two beds will be here sometime later this week.  Building them doesn’t take so long as filling them up with dirt.

And then we can put the ground cloth down in the walking area and put the bark mulch on top of the ground cloth.  That is the last step to complete the greenhouse.

Down in the garden we have two more squash plants to be transplanted, and bush beans to plant, as well as some more salad greens.  And we have thinning to do.  The carrots resemble grass right now, and the beets came up very well, too.  The potatoes are growing well.  And I need to something with the rhubarb.  It has lots of big stalks to be diced up and frozen.


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