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It’s Snowing

Another inch has fallen, and if we get any more, like is promised by the weather forecasters, then we might have to plow the driveway.  At the least we will need to shovel the sidewalk.

Teeny tiny flakes. This is coming out of the far north.

A good day to stay inside, read a good book and play in the kitchen.  The satellite weather picture has this long finger of clouds which starts in the Aleutian Islands and comes right down, and over the top of our mountains.

Lentil Sloppy Joes

This is a new favorite of ours.  It will simmer in the small crock pot until this evening.  Dan found this recipe online and I modified it a bit to suit our tastes.  It’s just so delicious it’s hard to believe since it’s one of the simplest things to fix.

Gluten free hamburger buns.

I have modified this recipe a bit, too.  The black flecks in the rolls are from Chia seeds which I’m using in place of eggs, to make it vegan.  I also took out the gelatin called for in the recipe.  These are soft and delicious, a perfect accompaniment for the lentil dish, or veggies burgers for that matter.

Apricot/Peach Crunch.

I liberated some frozen peaches and apricots from the freezer, and made a crunch topping with rolled oats, brown sugar, brown rice flour, cinnamon, and margarine.

The house smells really good, and it is nice to watch the snow falling while we’re so cozy inside.


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