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My silk yarn arrived.

So pretty, all 6400+ yards of it, enough for two shawls, actually.

Not a very useful format, however, being in a skein.  I need to get it onto a bobbin so I can use it.

Hauled another spinning wheel downstairs and set up the swift, that orange contraption connected to the counter top. It spins around.

Next step is to get the skein of yarn onto the swift.

Once the skein was straightened out and snugly situation on the swift, i had to cut the white strings which were holding the skein in place for dyeing.

I discovered I have more than two yarn ends, which means there are some breaks but it doesn’t really matter since I won’t be spinning one continuous long qiviut thread anyway, since it has to be plied the day it is spun.

Then I can start transferring the silk yarn from the skein to the bobbin.

Another break, this one caused by me somehow.  Rats, but oh well, there’s enough yarn on the bobbin for several days (at least) of spinning.

3 Responses to “Phase Two of Spinning Project”

  1. laura kidd says:

    Excited to see all the equipment you have. And they color of the yarn is beautiful. Where did you learn all of this just doing it? Did you attend classes? I am looking forward to seeing all of this coming together. Wish I lived closer to watch.

  2. Karen says:

    A friend showed me how to spin, first with a supported brass drop spindle and some cotton fibers – she was completely blown away I could do that right off the bat since cotton is one of the harder fibers to spin. And then she loaned me her spinning wheel. I picked it up immediately, leading me to the conclusion I was a spinner in a past life.

  3. laura kidd says:

    Karen I believe that you were a spinner in past life. Happy Winter. Know you are getting snow.

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