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Rolls n’ Things

Experimenting with baking again, today I made some crescent rolls using rice flour and other things. They were pronouced a success.  I made two things with my dough – the first half I formed into the normal crescent shape and then I put some cinnamon sugar and raisins in the second half.  I think they will be very good tomorrow morning for breakfast!



Mishkin loves to sit with his feet inside Dan’s slippers.  Doesn’t he look like he thinks it belongs to him?

Smug kitten

Smug kitten

He’s up to 12 pounds now, almost 11 months old.  All the cat books I have say he won’t get his full size until he reaches age 18 months.  By then, these slippers might actually fit him.

No Responses to “Rolls n’ Things”

  1. Scooby says:

    Ever notice how cats are always smiling? I think Mishkin looks very cute with a slipper on!

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