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End of June

Things are really growing in the garden, especially in the greenhouse. The tomato plants have quadrupled in size and all five plants are blooming and/or setting fruit.

Humidity and temperature are high in the greenhouse which is what all these plants seem to love. I forget to wait until the camera lense unfogs before taking a picture.

It has the same effect on my glasses when I first walk in.  The tomato plants were small when we planted them and now all are above the top rim of the cages.  We ate one of the Swiss Chard plants, and harvested about half the leaves on the second remaining chard plant in the greenhouse.  It’s really growing well.

The melon plant in the corner seems to grow every few minutes! It is getting blossoms forming, and we are really looking forward to some of our own Honeydew melons from this plant in a few months.

Next to the melon plant, the slicing cucumber plants are both starting to take off and put on growth.  They are way ahead of the pickling cucumbers, even though all were planted the same day.

Dan and our neighbor Spencer hauled dirt down to hill around the potato plants. We planted two varieties and the plants grow quite differently.

In this bed we planted a row of dill seeds on the left side, and a row of Walla Walla sweet onion sets on the right hand side.  At the back are a couple of volunteer lettuce plants which are almost big enough to pull.  We’ll have a salad from them this week, for dinner.

The early spring planting bed is already producing food.

We’ve picked some of the Swiss Chard at the front of the bed.  Lettuce and carrots and spinach come next, and then the Chinese Cabbage plants are huge!  Behind them are more carrots and lettuce.  We’ve picked all the radishes we planted, and the first row of spinach.  Peas are blooming and have pods which were flat a couple of days ago and now starting to fatten up.  We’ll be able to pick peas in a couple of weeks and then we’ll plant a second batch of Yellow Snap Beans where the peas are living now.

The strawberry beds are covered with a floating row cover to thwart the chipmunks who thinks strawberries are totally scrumptious.  Well, they are, but we want them instead.  Yesterday we each had a few sun warmed totally ripe berries, and there are lots of berries on the verge of ripening.  In a few days we’ll get to harvest a bowl of them.

One of the climbing roses. These plants are growing well. We'll need to protect them from rodents over the winter if they are to have any hope of growing tall enough to cover the rose arbor at the garden gate.

One of the summer daffodils is blooming. Very sweet smell.

Tiny cherries are starting to turn red. I hope the fruits get a bit bigger. These will be mostly seeds. But first year for setting fruit so this is an experiment at this point.

The Chocolate Mint plants is really looking nice and I'll need to start picking some for drying in the near future.

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