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Raining! Finally.

Yesterday was the start of the fall rains which are fire-season ending. Hurray! Once it stops raining in a few days, the air will be back to all clean.  And then the next time it rains, it will probably be chubby and white rain drops.

It’s also the start of hunting season around here.  Yo-yos with guns.  For example, yesterday we drove to town and on the road about a mile from our house was a man with his florescent orange vest, driving a car, stopping every few feet to peer off the side of the road.  And he was looking to shoot something on private property with no hunting allowed.   I wanted to stop and chat with him and ask, “Seriously??  You are planning on putting a dead deer in the backseat of your compact Kia sedan?  Does your wife know you took her car?”  But Dan wouldn’t let me.  The fact the guy was armed might have had something to do with that.

The aspen grove has peaked in color this last week. We were also getting a lot of solar gain for our panels to absorb.

Hopefully everybody appreciates no "aspen watch" this year. All the grass is dead and was just crispy dry before the rains started last night. Now it's all nice and soggy.

The world is dipped in color right now. My favorite time of year.

Pear tree next to the sunroom was very popular again this year with the small chocolate brown bear we have hanging around the neighborhood. The pears are all gone and he's wandering around looking for something else to eat before winter hibernation. He's getting very round.

Aspens peeking over the roof. And the grass is all brown.

Yesterday I filled the wood rack on the front porch since the cool weather means we need a fire or two in the stoves each day.  While I was splitting firewood, a small Weasel was doing his own hunting in and among the cord wood stacked  in the wood shed.  We could hear his little feet scrabbling around on the bark, and then he would poke his head out and look at us, whiskers quivering.  He started off at the far end of the wood shed, and worked his way all the way to the other side, coming closer to us each time.  I would wiggle my fingers at him and offer greetings each time he peeked out.  He thought we were interesting but not particularly scary, and he was out there the whole time we were outside working.  So cute!!!  He is still in his summer coat of brown, but will be turning to white in the near future.

Everything has been harvested from the garden, and I’ve spent a lot of time putting things away from the garden.

One batch of roasted beets ready to be put into freezer bags for winter eating.

Swiss chard washed and ready to get blanched for freezing.

Such a pretty plant, and so great an addition to fritattas.

A batch of tomatoes turning color on the dining table. These have subsequently turned all red and today I'm going to roast them to make into a tomato paste.

The last batch of tomatoes were made into sauce and I think the roasted tomatoes makes a much richer tasting sauce. And it actually takes less time, ultimately. Reducing the sauce in a sauce pan takes hours!

I have a whole case of Pluots to do something with.  Jam and fruit syrup for pancakes are on the agenda for the Pluots (a cross between plums and apricots.)

While I’m amusing myself with cooking things,   Mishkin in amusing himself with various toys, mostly his toy mice which he has strewn all over the house. He has a couple that are favorites and they are falling apart, they’ve been thrown and caught and thrashed so often.

This is his other favorite toy, and his favorite part is the plastic stick which holds the string. He knows that is the important part, and so he wants control. He always grabs it out of my hands, then gets wrapped up with the string while he carries the stick around the house. He looks intent and ridiculous, at the same time.

In other words, everything is just pretty much normal state of affairs around here, and winter is coming.

Clouds coming, a change in the weather.

The tree colors reflected in the skies overhead.

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