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Pygmy Owl Came Calling

We hear them calling this time of year, in fact when I went out to take a picture I heard this bird’s partner calling in the distance.  And because they hunt in the day time, we get to see them occasionally.

Dan spotted this bird in the tree in front of the house.  The Chickadees were having a fit about a predator, and it was pretty easy to take a picture of him hiding in the tree near the seed feeders.   He only thinks he’s invisible.

These little predators are about five inches long, a small bird but really big on attitude and blood-thirsty points of view. The Chickadees are right to be very concerned.

Those piercing eyes were focused on a Chickadee that was sitting on a nearby bush, yelling about the owl he had located.

Friday was National Chocolate Cake Day, and of course I had to do something about it.  I made cupcakes and we’re still celebrating.


Dark chocolate cupcake with a chocolate icing. I thought about putting sprinkles on top but decided that would be merely silly.

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