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Weird weather to some degree. It warms up and the snow melts, a bit more falls, and then it warms up. We only have about 1/2 inch on the ground now, and nothing in the forecast for another week or so. Interesting. This morning it was cold, 9F. Now it is obvious how much of a difference fixing the windows and door made in terms of heat retention.  The house seems easier to heat this winter.

Our friend, Jack, is an expert woodturner, and this bowl is one he made for us, out of black walnut.

Turning it around slightly shows an entirely different view of the grain.

Part of the grain glows. I just love this beautiful piece of art.

The finish is still not quite set and so for now the bowl lives in the kitchen where the temperature in the house has the lowest swings in highs and lows.

December 1st, the month started off with a beautiful sunset.

The sun is creeping ever further south along the western horizon.  I decided to collect sunset pictures this month.

Ice crystals high in the air caught the sun and a bright ray streaks straight up in the sky.

I love this shade of blue right before the colors fade away into darkness.

December 4th, a pastel sunset instead of fires in the sky. The bird feeder is glowing again.

December 5th the sunset stretched all across the sky. This is looking to the south west horizon.

And this is looking towards the north. The colors fade away the farther north from where the sun is actually going down. In the summer the sun sets at the far right edge of this picture. The arc of travel is impressive.

December 6th, roiling clouds were a fiery orange and then they disbursed and clear skies and cold air came in.

Solar panels got a good workout today, lots of sunshine.  And this weather pattern is supposed to stay around for at least the next week.  We might see some below zero temperatures out of this.  Nice!

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