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Superbowl Sunday

Yes, for the first time in YEARS we will be watching. We were trying to remember the last time we watched a game, and since neither one of us can recall, it has been a while. Or we’re getting old which also has taken a while!

This morning I made pancakes for breakfast using Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Pancake Mix. I fixed it with egg replacer, and almond milk, so it is as allergen free as possible. It is also not as good as my own recipe, but it was edible.  The parrots knew I was making something, and there was quite the riot until I divided up one of the small pancakes and shared the fresh hot bread with them.  The riot consisted of Opal squeaking, Oro making a whining baby bird begging noise, and Terry saying “Want some breakfast?  Want some foooooood??”  She goes for the direct approach.

Now it is all quiet and the sound of happy parrots playing with toys and gritching their beaks.

Mishkin followed me around hoping for his share, and complaining a bit about species discrimination when he didn’t get anything.  So now, after that disappointment is forgotten, he’s running around the house doing “halloween cat” postures and trying to entice us into throwing his mouse.  As we are well trained humans, we comply.  His reflexes are simply amazing and continue to improve.  If his mouse reflects off something, like the stair bannister which I am sure I couldn’t hit if I was actually aiming at it, and rebounds into a different direction, he can switch his trajectory and snatch it out of the air while leaping more than his length when he is  standing straight up on his back feet.  It’s quite impressive.  I’ve no doubts that either of the super bowl teams would love it if their receivers had even  half of his abilities.

I’m making pizza for lunch today.  We love pizza.  Last night there was a show on television about the history of pizza and we found it quite fascinating.  This evening while the game is on, I think we’ll just snack on corn chips and a five-layer bean dip.  I’ll make that sometime today; leftovers can be made into burritos for tomorrow’s lunch.

Looks like it is going to snow today, which is bad news for our driveway.  And it means we won’t get any solar gain from our panels.  They are standing there looking up at the sky, and they seem sad with the thick clouds looming over them.  It was above freezing temperatures yesterday, albeit briefly, for the first time in a couple of months.  We heard from Dan’s brother that he has daffodils poking up out of the ground.  Ours might be doing that as well but it is hard to see them under two feet of snow.

Definitely looks like snow in them thar' clouds

Definitely looks like snow in them thar' clouds

This is our picture of domestic bliss for the day.  Hopefully all who read this are enjoying a similar day!  But maybe with sunny skies instead of snow.

No Responses to “Superbowl Sunday”

  1. Scooby says:

    What’s a SuperBowl? Is this something found in the kitchen?

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