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February Moonsets

Cold weather returned, along with clear skies overnight.  The combination in February always means really pretty moonsets.

It was +10F, and the sun hadn't risen over the mountains to the east. The moon casts a glow over snow fields on the mountains across the valley from us.

The moon is a bit fuzzy because I was taking pictures off hand and I wasn’t awake yet, and it was cold.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it 🙂

The next day, slighter later in the morning, and even colder, +5F. The sun was starting to rise, washing out the colors in the sky.

I really am going to have to break down and get the tripod out, one of these days, or get used to fuzzy moon pictures.  The forecast is for -7F as a low temperature in a few days.  Winter isn’t letting go.

Another beautiful clear day, lots of solar gain for our panels to work with.

We are trying to convince our parrots that the Harrison’s food pellets we started giving them to eat yesterday aren’t deadly poison, and something to avoid touching at all costs.  We let them go 24 hours with just the pellets to eat, but this morning they were all obviously on strike and Opal, in particular, looked pretty unhappy.

So the score is:  Parrots 1 Humans 0

We will keep trying but they are awfully stubborn creatures and used to getting their own way.  Opal said, “Good bird” after we gave her some seeds to munch.  She didn’t say that at all yesterday.  Poor baby!!

One Response to “February Moonsets”

  1. Kerry says:

    I am really enjoying all of these photos, but whatever happened to the Alaskan adventure stories? Been pretty quiet. In fact, it’s been so long I will have to read them again before advancing!

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