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January Moonset

Clear skies have returned for a few days, a cheerful prospect.  And the temperatures aren’t supposed to be too cold.  The full moon a few days ago gave us an amazing moonset, but unfortunately it was too dark to get a decent picture.  The moonset gets later each day and today it wasn’t way too dark.  Of course, if I used a tripod I could get less fuzzy moon pictures, but I’d have to find it first!

Fog laying in the valley, following the river, and clear skies overhead. There isn't a hint of color in the sky, just a deep winter blue of early morning.

As the sun rises, the sky changes color, even without much in the way of wispy clouds.  The sun rays reflect off ice crystals high in the air.

Alpenglow in the sky. It is subtle and changes minute by minute.

I just love the layers of color.

As the sun gets higher in the sky, the color descends onto the mountain tops.

Pink mountains.

While I was running around outside on the sidewalk, this Hairy Woodpecker was trying to enjoy his morning snack of suet.

He didn’t really want his picture taken, but he objected less to that, than to abandoning the suet feeder.

The window screens in the sunroom caught snowflakes and frost. The sky color gives a subtle background behind the frost.

Mish has been following me around all morning, keeping an eye on me to see what I'm up to, and hoping to participate. Here he's being a floor muffin in the sunroom while I was watching the moon setting.

One Response to “January Moonset”

  1. Brandon says:

    Neat how the fog looks like an iced-over lake.

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